RIS info

EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS)

Fostering transformation in European regions with modest to moderate agrifood innovation rates.

The EIT RIS is the EIT Community’s outreach scheme introduced in 2014 to share good practices and experience emerging from EIT Community activities. The EIT RIS opens up the activities of EIT’s Innovation Communities to innovators that are not partners, by providing targeted support to individuals and organisations to take part in and benefit from EIT Innovation Communities’ activities, services and programmes.

The objective of the EIT RIS is to contribute to boosting the ability to innovate of countries and regions in Europe that belong to the groups of so-called ‘modest and moderate’ innovators (according to the European Innovation Scoreboard).

EIT Food Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT Food RIS)

EIT Food RIS aims at strengthening those regions in Europe which are modest and moderate in terms of innovation in agrifood sector. This outreach scheme is open to innovators that are not partners of EIT Food and provides targeted support to EIT RIS stakeholders through a portfolio of projects.

Contact us: RIS@eitfood.eu