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EIT Food HUB na SPU v Nitre v spolupráci so Združením HACCP Consulting organizuje training pre študentov, ktorý zvýši ich šance na trhu práce a odkazuje na strategický cieľ "Educate to engage, innovate and advance".

Prihlás sa na training Education for Better Future in Agri-food, absolvuj s nami školenie: Hygiena potravín, správna hygienická prax, HACCP a potravinové právo a získaj hodnotný certifikát, ktorý môžeš uplatniť v praxi.

Akreditovaný vzdelávací program bude prebehať 24. a 25. februára 2022 online. Počet miest je obmedzený - registruj sa ešte dnes prostredníctvom linku:


Agenda 1
Agenda 2
Agenda 3

„EIT Food Hub“ events at SUA in Nitra

On 11th April 2019 and 25th April 2019, workshops focused on “EIT Food Hub and its role in involving start-ups in innovative agriculture” and “EIT Food Hub in the Slovak Republic” took place at the SUA in Nitra. The aim of the workshops was to present how the EIT will contribute to Europe's competitiveness, to its sustainable economic growth and to job creation by promoting and strengthening synergies and cooperation between businesses, educational institutions and research organizations. The EIT events focused on the possibilities of creating a favorable environment for creative ideas in order to enable Europe to develop innovation and entrepreneurship at the world level. Participants discussed topics: how to contribute to the 2020 Food Program, how to support EU health, food and agriculture policy, how to stimulate cooperation between research and business and how to contribute to knowledge and innovation schemes in the food and agriculture sectors. As part of the workshops, the current possibilities of the Regional Innovation System (RIS) were promoted: RIS and RIS scholarships, RIS start-ups.